  • 111VOVKA111 Я photo 2207712
  • 111VOVKA111 Я photo 2207709


Pomembne podrobnosti o 111VOVKA111
Spol Moški
Starost 29
Višina 5'10" - 6" [175cm - 185cm]
Teža 200 - 225 lbs [90 - 100 kg]
Penis Srednji
Komentarji (5)
23. 07. 23
I curdle your blood with just one look 🌊
And there is no better man in the world than the one who tries to do everything for you ❤
10. 12. 22
My voice in your heart
В танце белом за мной летай
Вся любовь in your eyes
Забывает все мои memories
15. 12. 21
💕Пропел щегол над придорожной ивой,
Струится с веток сумрак с тишиной...
А на скамейке, тихий и счастливый,
"Адам" целует "Еву" под луной.💕
11. 03. 21
"That night is only the background of our selves,
Supremely true each to its separate self,
In the pale light that each upon the other throws."
30. 11. 20
💖In a man I prefer wisdom, strength,
The character is solid, the breadth of the soul.
It's not so scary to rush into the abyss
He will protect and hide from a thunderstorm.💖